Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fallen Skies Studios

This is the greatest video I've ever seen in my life so far! It's one of thoses MEP groups, yes so honestly I was excited. But the video was good, and even better, the song. IT"S MY NEW FAVORITE!!! Here's the link, and by the way, use headphones, so you won't miss the epicness.

I am obsessed with this song now! It's called Broken Inside by Broken Iris. And also, just as a percaution and maybe as a prank you can pull off on someone else, there's a super out of the blue scream at the end that lasts for like 30 seconds that scares the crap out of you so please be PERCAUTIOUS. Thanks. And also, I hope you enjoy my lattest news! Also, my mystery trip my family was planning was today, oh dear god I hope its soon. You see, my guess was Ceader Points (Cause i love that place and never been there before, lol I have one sad life) and second of all I hope it's not somthing stupid, like one time my Grandma Spinelli (Dad's side) made this 'Mystery Trip' for me and my Cousins Emily and Jenae So we didn't know what to expect. The day it came, it was a miniature golf course trip! Oh that was just down right stupid ok? It was 90 degrees out and we had pants on!!!! Anyways, i hope it's not one of, as I put it sence these trips my grandma makes us, a "Grandma Spinelli Trip" Wish me luck!

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