Saturday, July 9, 2011

Colossal Con 2011, Success/Colossal Con 2012, An Upcomming Plan

Colossal Con 2011
OH. MY. GOD. Wow, that was incredible, SO incredible in fact, ladies and gentlemen, it's taken me a whole month to recover. *To explain my noticeable absence* So, let me explain the full details. I was dressed up as Grell Sutcliff (I barely got the costume home made in time!)

I went to 2011's Colossal Con held in Sandusky, Ohio on the 4th of June. This was my first time ever cosplaying and first time ever going to an Anime Convention. I took my trusty sidekick *go ahead, Rukia, kick me for calling you a trusty sidekick* AKA known on here as "Rukia" and we set out for an adventure of a life time. *She was Rukia too*

As soon as we arrived, we were grouped up to a Urahara cosplayer, very VERY nice to us in line! He really was Urahara from Bleach, he looked and sounded JUST like him! After we paid admission, we made our way through, being total geeks going "Hi Sebastian!" or "Hi Ulquiorra! We love you!" or whatever. I DID see a Sebastian cosplay in the Dealers' room, and Rukia dared me to say "Sebas-chan~!" to him like Grell did in the show. So I waved my hand and did it. He looked at me weirdly and then grinned when we started laughing.

Oh, the Dealers' room. The room filled with Anime EVERYTHING and an Otaku's dream world. Yep, I could've spent hours in there looking at swords, fans, kimono's and Anime related merchandise. A real metal sword for only 44$? EPIC. So we stayed in there for a LONG time, and I found a slip of paper for some other convention on the the hallway *TAKE NOTE OF THIS SLIP OF PAPER* and I went down one of the hallways that was passing Vic Mignongia's *that's a hard last name* Autographing station when I saw a famous man in the hallway.

For you see, the man who plays Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club in English Dub, not to mention English Sebastian Michaleis (dunno how to spell) from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I LOVE his voice, his name is J. Micheal Tatum, and i saw a video of him putting on a cosplayers boot. So I remember peoples faces well, next thing I know I was going down Colossal Con's hallway and I see him standing in the hallway, talking to somebody!

When he was done, I said "Are you J. Micheal Tatum?" and Rukia was confused at first, then he turned around and said "Ah! Grell-san! How are you today?" to me in Sebastian's voice! That's when Rukia realized that it was him and began to freak out as I said "Can I get an autograph?" he said "Sure!" and grabbed my back and took that little slip of paper from my hand and said "Can I borrow your back for a second?" Rukia was going nuts in the background *Well, you WERE Rukia!* and sighed that little slip of paper. I forgot a picture though. :( Oh well, there is next year!

Colossal Con 2012
So, next year we're going to Colossal Con 2012 for sure. Next year will be more planed out, and way more efficient than this years. I've already started planing my costume idea's and prices already! Next year for Colossal Con, I'm doing a duo cosplay with Rukia. We both decided we'll be Alice from Pandora Hearts. *SPOILER NOT REALLY ONE BUT STILL* Alice is a chain from Abyss *Our version of hell* and Alice is actually a twin. There is Alyss *The Will of Abyss, who controls Abyss* and Alice *B-Rabbit version* Here's the difference. Will of Abyss is white, while Alice B-rabbit is red and brown. Get it? Anyway, Rukia is being Will of Abyss/Alyss while I'll be Alice. so whenever someone says "Alice! Can we get a picture?" We'll reply "Which one?"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Anime Update on 6/10/11: Death Note

Yes. What all you Death Note fans have been waiting for...I finally have caught onto Death Note. It took long enough, I actually forced myself to read it, for my best friend was begging me to do it. Long story short, we didn't know what to cosplay as for next years Colossal Con (I WILL POST ON THAT IN A SEC) 2012, so pretty much, I wanted to be a Kioshi warrior from Avatar: The Last Airbender. My friend didn't know what it was, I told her to watch the show, and she said now. So I finally said "If you watch Avatar all the way through, I'll read Death Note." and so, here I am.

My opinions. Ok, I love Ryuuk. He's just so fricken awesome with his explanation on "Apples are a Shinigami's Alcohol and Drugs" And I just love his reactions.

Next up, what I think of the plot. Very interesting...until the part where L almost captures Light. THAT'S when everything gets screwy for me. I didn't get to the explanation YET, I'm aware, but before I knew there was one, I almost thought the story ended and I was seriously ticked. I didn't understand it after Light (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) forited the Death Note and is working on the investigation team searching for Kira when he IS KIRA!

Anyway, another cool character for me is Remu. He's so kind and generous towards Misa it's just ADORABLE! :D

Anime Review=150 Mark. Inuyasha

AWWWWW!!!! ALMOST OVER!? Yep, that's the case. There are only 167 episodes in the show. I'm sad now. MOVING ON. Pretty much, here is my review on the 150 mark.

SPOILER! Kikyo died...YAYZ. I thought she was better suited dead, so at least she can move on easily. But NO. you HAVE TO BRING HER BACK AGAIN! Ugh, I hated that part. I won't say what ep. but dude, Im furious. Also, Bankotsu and the others are gone again, and Hakuodoshi (Weird kid by the way) Are going crazy for the last sacred jewel shard. I guess this really is the end. All my opininons on things are still the same really. Let's see then!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anime Review on 5/22/11 Inuyasha + HAPPY BIRTDHAY!

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! lol I never call him Daddy anymore, but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 50 is quite the milestone!

Now that that's out of the way, let's continue *ushers* I've recently reached my 100th episode of Inuyasha. Time for another review! Ok, let me start with my opinion on the series....I CAN"T STOP! It's just so creative and awesome, I can't stop watching! I never look at the episodes coming up next, I always just click and watch, then I really get suspense! Next, my top 3 characters?
1) Inuyasha
2) Sesshomaru
3) Rin
K! That's done, now for my favorite opening (There are so many...this is a new segment!) I have to say the first "Change the World" that will forever be in my heart. :) and my favorite ending? I love both endings in Season 2 "Dearest" and ending in season 4 "The song of Truth" but I think "Song of Truth" is one I will always watch. Now, as for my favorite episodes?
1) The Mystery of the New Moon and the Black Haired Inuyasha
2) Fateful Night in Tokejin pt I and II
3) Return to the Place Where we First Met
4) Gap Between the Ages
5) Totosai's Ridged Training
6) Phantom Showdown: The Thunder Brothers VS Tetsusaiga
7) Shippo Gets An Angry Challenge
8) The Three Spirits of the Monkey God
9)Jaken falls Ill
10) Battle Between the Rival Lovers
11) Two Hearts, One Mind
NOTE: These are NOT in order for favorites. But these episodes will forever be in my head so far. :D
Well, that's all I have to say for now! Bye!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Anime Review (50 episode point): Inuyasha 5/10/2011

Ah...actually I'm on episode 71. :) Moving along anyhow...*Waves hand* Half way there point. Only about....*counts with fingers* 136 episodes for me to conqure left...wait hold on. Wouldn't 167-71 be..OH! My bad, 96! OK. BACK ONTO THE TOPIC PEOPLE

What do I think of it so far? All I can say is that I'm hooked. I even wrote a fanfiction (three actually, one done, the other crack filled and the third is uncomplete) for Inuyasha! Who do I like? DEFFINATELY INUYASHA! Worst character if I was forced to pick? Kikyo...still! Naraku is even better than her! Weirdest character? Koga, he's just...well...strange? I dunno, need a better word for it. As for story line...I'm in the dark. I never know what the hells coming up next (YES I SWORE! FEAR MY WRATH)

All I have time for...stupid life. Anyhow, moving back to the ending, sorry I'll give a better post later. :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anime Update on 4/28/11: Death Note...A Possibility?

Well, here goes nothing. Death Note.

Yes, go on and say "Wait, you've never read Death Note?! You've got to read it!" I've never read it. I attempted it. ONCE. And all I could say was "Who would read this? It's so...indescribable..." And now, I am back to face it in the ring once more. Sure, I didn't like it, but I barely went into it. In my spare time torn away from Inyuasha every 72 minuets for a half hour (Yes, curse you MegaVideo for cutting me off for a half hour every 72 minuets!) I have found myself reading Inyuasha now. And when my public Library does not offer volumes 8, 9 and 1o, I am screwed. SO, a good pal of mine says to me "Hey! Alice! Read Death Note it's soooo good!" I at first ignored her, then later on I found myself picking up volumes 1 and 2 at the Library. SOOO now I'm trying to get over the fact I even picked it up and am now reading it.

Sure, I may not get into it that easily, so if you see me blathering about how awesome it is in the future, revert me back to this :) So, INYUASHA! Ohhh how could I even say in the past I wasn't interested in you! I"M SO SORRY! It's lifechaning people. LIFE. CHANGING. How do I like it so far? LOVE IT. I can't stop watching! Thank god it's got 170 episodes, a 56 volume manga, 4 movies AND another series! *Dies of over excitement* *Revives with Shikon Jewel* Ahhh I love you Inyuasha. Characters? Well, that's a long story.

My favorite so far has got to be Inyuasha. He may not be the most compassionate, but wow is he awesome! My second goes to Sesshomaru. For his strange and loving compassion shown towards that little human girl *SPOILER* :) THEN after that...I dunno. I DO have a most disliked character, and that goes to Kikyo. I HATE YOU KIKYO! WHY THE HECK DO YOU WANT INYUASHA"S LIFE?!!?!?!? DIE ALREADY! *Composes self* Ahem...sorry bout that :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Extrordinary Return of BelovedNight13 / Anime Update- Inyuasha and Black Cat

I'M BACK~! *Smiles* So how is everybody? Good? Good! I've been great, thanks for asking! Well, intro out of the way, I've been gone for WAY to long. Lemme get us back on track

Last time I left you hanging on my remake story and my newest anime "Le Chavliar De'on." turns out the anime was a bust. It didn't catch on as great as I thought :( though the remake on my story was awesome so far! A small road block at the time but still working on it!

As for the Anime Update...yes you heard it right. "Inyuasha" has finally come into a category of interest with me. "Inyuasha" was much more different than I had ever expected it to be. Everybody in the Anime world has GOT to have seen or heard about "Inyuasha" though I myself have never looked or watched it. I've recently started watching it (Today actually, Happy Easter by the way!) and lemme tell ya, it was SO much different than I expected! I thought Inyuasha was the GOOD guy! Not a half demon! Then what about the romance? I'm lost so far so I instantly got hooked on it. So far it's epic, so epic it's Epicness is huge in the first 3 episodes! I've got a new show to waist my life away on now.

Strangest yet is that it's the LONGEST and most extensive of any Anime I've ever seen. The shortest TV show I've seen was only 12 episodes, Loveless. The largest was "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" which was 64 episodes. "Inyuasha" was the largest ever now, reaching to a stagering 170 episodes! Let the rotting of flesh begin!

Well, it will be a LONG way away till I'm done, probably not until late July or something with how crazy my life is and how I constantly forget this, plus with the tests I need to take with overreactive teachers for NO REASON AT ALL *Ahem, Ahem L.A teacher, AHEM*. I'll TRY *Cross your fingers, those 2 people who read this!* to give you intervals on Inyuasha every 50 episodes. :)

MOVING ON!!! *I need to tell myself that a LOT before I lose thought* Another new Anime I came across was "Black Cat" another popular one that I've noticed but never watched. It's good so far, and the one man, what's-his-name, the hero in the show in the first episode that I can't name, his voice is exactly the same as *English voice* Guy Kurasawa from "Darker than BLACK"! It kinda annoyed me. "Black Cat" was VERY good, it was interesting in the first TV episode. I loved it! I'm gonna resort to it for entertainment now :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FictionPress Update on 2/24/11 and Anime Update: Le Chevaliar D'Eon

Wow. It's been so long.....!

Anyway, let me get into buissness. Firstly, I've decided to make BIG changes once more. I am going to redo my 1st story, possibly get rid/keep second, and third? Finish that one. Now, the first is the biggest change, for it's completly revamped so far. I am combinding my idea that I had going now, my idea's of the past to keep it running, and a new Idea I came up with during what I called my "Don't desturbe- listening to music for daydreams" time or something :D

It's quite different, character wise and even plot wise. Best of all.....I GOT A PLOT! YES!!!! You see, let me try to explain this......

It's all the same for Erik Jackson, only I added a catch, be wasn't choking, he could breathe the smoke for an unknown reason on the night of almost certain death! *DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!!* Second, the other change is that Mildred isn't a football coach *Why the heck I thought of that....I don't know. That's so stupid to me now* Third, I added two others. Will *Cause I can't remember his origional name from my first idea that lasted 3 books, almost 4 section idea wise* and Ann, two orphanes that play a role in the plot as two kids who pretty much are the kidnappers perfect treat :) spoiler!

So far I am doing good! With a tidbit of advice from pen name "I am a Ninja" on FictionPress (Check her out!) and so far it's going awesome! I plan to finish and complete the story to the fullest and make myself love my work and say "THIS IS EPIC" before I post it, I do NOT wanna do what I'm doing now again. Life's busy!

Well, last thing! NEW ANIME!!!! *YAYZ!* first off, it's called Le Chevaliar D'Eon, found it on netflix and watched the first episode. I was attracted at first because it takes place durring the French Revolution! I LOVE history around the 17-1800's, and now I wanna know about the French, for I am starting to learn French soon! My opinion this far? was really FAST! Seriously, they crammed so much stuff into 1 episode it was like watching.....3 episodes! Little to fast! Also, the type of Anime *Drawing* it was? It looked so....weird! it was all 3D ish and weird. Unfamiliar to me. Though I did like the plot but my last complaint was the end, cause the main dude turned into a girl out of nowhere. WHAT THE HECK!? Well, anyway, watch it to understand, K?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Anime(S) Review: Darker than Black 1 & 2 + OVA mini season

Wow.....I've been so obsessed with Darker than Black! Well, there were 2 seasons, and 1 OVA mini sort of season. So lets get this Review started!

Darker than Black: Ok, now season 1 was Epic, hands down! I loved all the characters! Episode 1 was really ocward. It didn't make sence at first, then everything fell into place and it was really interesting. FUNimiation had Darker than Black dubbed, and I think I've just found my new #1 Voice actor, which was Hei's, or as his code name in public, Lee. I forgot the name, but i LOVE HIM. *Laughs* well, also, he was my favorite character, and the love pairing Yin and Hei? EPIC. Loved the first season! The end of it was a really good cliff-hanger! Though it made me almost sick with wondering....

Darker than Black-Ryuusie No Gemini: Now....I have a few complaints. This was SO weird! Some random girl walks in and she suddenly comes in, causes craziness, and just goes?! TO STUPID FOR ME! Also, the whole Izanami and Izanagi thing....that took me at least all the way to episode 10 out of 12 to finally understand who is Izanami and Izanagi. Most of my Q's were anwsered in the OVA mini season, THANK GOD. But still! It was way to weird for me...and Hei as an alcoholic?! *Murders Producers in China like Grel Sutcliffe* DIE!! WELCOME TO THE AFTERLIFE! :D

Darker than Back: Mini OVA season: Well....I loved it. It started off right from after Season One, then lead into the whole Izanami and Izanagi thing...YAY! Also, the 4th, or last, episode of the OVA's was SO SAD! I was looking over my shoulder 15 times durring the emotional part so no-one would interupt :) I loved it! 5 Stars! Season 2? *Kicks Season 2* They shouldn't have done Season 2 quite like that, even though there was a slightly happy ending with a weird twist *SPOILER* so, ya know....I liked this!

Now, I'm done. Happy? I'm busy, competition on Saturday and Concert on Sunday, plus education....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

「 α - motion 」Dear Agony || Ciel and Alois

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG! *Fangirl scream* Anywho, moving along. This video was in the realated section of my last post, and I just fell in love! The song fit Ciel and Alios pretty well, while the effects were good but nothing overload to ruin the moment. The song made sense with the show, too! I adored this video, and all the info is at the very end of the video! Enjoy and please like :)

L i s t e n . U p

I found this video really cool, so I'll hope you enjoy! The song i've seen before, and absolutely love it, yet at the same time...THEY DON"T TELL YOU THE ARTIST! RAWR! I've survived so far, but it's really irritating! I liked the effects, along with the use of the character, Claude. Sure, not many Claude tributes on there, but he wasn't that popular with Sebastian and Ciel fans.

Song: Deja Vu

Artist: ?

Anime: Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji

Creator: BubbleOnTheEdge

Program: Sony Vegas 7

Friday, January 21, 2011

Darker than Black {Mind Hesit}

WOW! The embedding is different! Now I can't have any color?! :( Well, onto the point of the post. I have been excited to show you this, for I am obsessed with this song! Also, the effects add to the effect of Darker than Black. I fully rate it! Also, even though I'm on the second episode, I am OBSESSED with BK201. Who's BK201? Well, he's a contractor, which I thought was all pretty and the good-sweet and pretty type in his 20's when he's really much....meaner and crueler that i thought!

BK201's real name....I think it's Hei, but the shows slightly confusing at this rate, full of info! BK201 is the person in the video with the mask....and the really long tailcoat and black hair *Believe it or not, I based Erik Jackson off this dude, with his hair and age, along with mobility, but this was WAY before I found the actual TV show. (See my story on FictionPress, the oldest one)*

ANYWHO! Back to reality! *Ahem* I hope you enjoy this new video! BK201 shall be my favorite forever, who has made history for me!

Song: Mind Heist
Artist: Inception Sound Track *Trailer Three Music*
Creater: Macerwolf3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anime Update on 1/20/11

Well, to get things started, here's my 2 news Anime's I'm currently starting to watch *New and OLD included* Also, this is the new Way I'm going to post new Animes, so now you know what each is about. WARNING. DARKER THAN BLACK IS 17 AND UP AND NEW TO ME, SO IF ANYTHING INNAPROPRIATE COMES UP IN IT, I"LL TELL YOU. :D

-Pandora Hearts*
-Darker Than Black**
-Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion***

You see, I hope they all are very good anime's, so here is the discription's of each.

**There are three seasons to Darker than Black (If I'm stated correct) which are (In order)

-Darker than Black
-Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden
-Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini

In Tokyo, an impenetrable field known as "Hell's Gate" appeared ten years ago. At the same time, psychics who wield paranormal powers at the cost of their conscience also emerged. Hei is one of the most powerful of these psychic agents, and along with his blind associate, Yin, works for one of the many rival agencies vying to unlock the mysteries of Hell's Gate.

***Lelouch of the Rebellion (Code Geass) has 2 seasons also, which are in order

-Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
-Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion2

After the invasion of Japan by the Brittannian Empire, the country is renamed to "Area 11". The young Lelouch, a Brittannian student living in Japan, accidentally gets caught up in a local terrorist attack against Brittannia, reuniting with his childhood friend Suzaku as well as meeting the mysterious girl C.C. Cornered in a life and death situation, Lelouch accepts a power C.C. offers to him, the ability to order anyone to do anything. Harboring a thirst for revenge against the Brittanian Empire for their actions against his family, Lelouch wages war against the Empire. Using his newfound power and tactical ability, Lelouch goes under the alias Zero in attempts to fulfill his childhood vow, to destroy Brittannia!

*Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. Why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him...?

Monday, January 17, 2011

[Kuroshitsuji Tribute] A modern Myth *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Me love the song! *Laughs* Well there goes perfect English. Anywho, let's get this show started. I ran across this video because I was bored with my IPod touch and wanted to see AMVS *Which My Ipod is enduring a complete erasement, all data WIPPED OUT :(* I absolutely LOVE the ending with all the "Goodbyes" to all the cast members! And the song! The creater used there time and clips well with the song, almost as if you could feel for Ciel. :) It was so beautiful! Best Kuroshitsuji Tribute EVER. 5 stars! Now, just watch and engjoy.


Song: Modern Myth

Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars

Creator: zZMireiyuZz

Program: Sony Vegas


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anime Update on 1/12/11. Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler ENGLISH DUB. AND FictionPress Update on 1/12/11

The english dub of Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler came out on 1/11/11. YAY! I got my fav. episodes off of iTunes. Only one word. EPIC.

Funimation compleatly pulled most of the characters and emotions down good! I praise the cast and people who did the acting was pretty good! Though, with every English Dubbed Anime, there has to be people who were pretty....BAD. Here on my top people :D

1. Sebastian Michalies. I love his voice, so sexy! In episode 5...holy crap man, he was so emotional I almost felt like I was in the same situation as him!! *You'll see later* I honestly feel Sebastian in English is 99.99% BETTER. :) I love it! I can't get enough of him! Then again, he's the English Kyoya in Ouran Highschool Host Club, also!

2. Grell Sutcliffe. HE WAS EPIC!!!! I can't remember this guy, he's new in the world of voicing Anime supposedly, yet...he pulled off Grell so well! Then when he went phsyco? EVEN BETTER!!! I LOVE Grell, he is epic!

3. Madame Red. She was so beautiful, captured the moment perfectly! I loved her! She did perfect in this show, she was beautiful, this is all I have to say. :)

NOW, for the top 3 worst.

1. Finny. Holy Crap, FINNY! What the heck happened?! Seriously, I was horrorstricken. No offence, but it was the worst Dub I've ever seen. Finny....Austrailian?! Ugh...

2. Undertaker. GOD, the Undertaker is a pirate?! First time you meet Undertaker, and he sounds like a Pirate? I didn't see a Pirate comming out of this. The Japanese Dub is 100% more Creepy, Scary, Phyco, and more....Undertaker like. :)

3. Ciel Phantomhive. Sure, a woman voices him, she did ALRIGHT, that's why she's at #3...but I still feel that Ciel's more like 30-40 year old woman than 12 year old boy. She captured emotion though!


You see, I've finally gotten an EPIC chapter 2 up! I hope for you to read it. Also, with my first story....I"VE RUN OUT OF INSPARATION! HELP ME! Please Comment!

Well, that's all my Crap I need to say. GOODBYE!! :D

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler OH YES!!!! *Major Stress Releiver!*

OMG....I can't stop laughing. Grell has to be one of the best comedy reliefs for a serious and emotional Anime I've ever seen. Wanna no the interesting part? Well...Grells a guy. I always messed that up, Grell is deffinately your gay man. I thought I'd never say something like that...but Grell as GOT to be gay, no way around it, and he doesn't mind. Well, at least he's got good taste! *Budum..TING!* I absolutely love this part, along with another part in Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler II. At least Sebby posed for Grells camera for that one.

BACK ON TRACK! Hope you enjoy, and hope this relieves a lot of stress on you

Audio: Kuroshitsuji

Episode: Completely unknown...

Where to watch:

Creator: Ninjatejp


Amv- Break your Vision/UPDATE ON COLOSSAL CON.

I've been a big fan of Pendulum lately, with there song Watercolor. So now....I found an Amv! ^^ So, moving right along *Ushers* This came along through my searches on YouTube for more epic blog stuff, so I'm happy 'bout that. What also fascinated me is that Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler came in *Along with Kayoto Hitman Reborn, a show I've looked slightly into to see Chrome Dokuro...^^* So, enjoy the video!

Now, the Colossal Con. Update. I've been planning for a long time to go to Colossal Con. cause it's right near be and also...I may get to see Vic Mignongia *If spelled right* In person!!! He voices Ed, he's coming to the FMA Panel! :D One tiny problem is that...I don't know who the heck to cosplay! I've searched and searched, till Finally....I found the perfect one *Almost*!!! Incredibly long story short, I've decided to become...Madame Red for Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler! Why? Well, I thought it would be easy being her because I'm a red head. It almost perfectly fits because my hair is WAY to long *Maybe a foot to long...not allowed to cut it...o_O* seems fairly good!

Out of that subject, enjoy the video, and I'll try to record the FMA panel if I go to Colossal Con if everything goes well!

Song: Watercolor

Artist: Pendulum

Animes *In Order*:

- Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- 07 ghost
- Darker than black season 2
- Bleach
- Asura Cryin
- Rosario + Vampire
- Ichiban Ushiro No Daimaou
- Kuroshitsuji (FTW)
- Angel Beats
- Sora No Otoshimono
- Nurarihyon no Mago

Program: Sony Vegas

Creator: JKLxKaraj


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Anime Review: Kuroshitsuji II on 1/2/11

Yep, season two of Kuroshitsuji....conquered! My opinion on it? Well, for starters....the plot line was pretty awesome, with Claude and Alois as a second Demon/Master pair like Sebastian and Ciel, though Ciel and Sebastian are much better :) Also, most of the show had me starving for more, much, MUCH more. Addictive would fit!

Second, I was slightly displeased that there were only 12 episodes, but why there were only 12 was answered at the very end. The ending...oh crap, another one that I half disliked. You see, without spoilers, the ending made me shocked. I almost wanted to shout "Really? Ciel ****** **** * *****?! You serious?! I want my life back, for you claim Ciel at the end ** **** to his relatives and friends?!" *Censored for your own spoiler protection, fill in the rest with our head, :D* But I held that down.

Grell, oh my gosh, Grell, I loved him in this season! Episodes 7-9 are when he's so hysterical! Grell had a camera and was having random nosebleeds at Sebastian!!! BWAHAHA!!!! Grell was the comedy relief in all the seriousness and shock of it all, and I just loved how obsessed he is with Sebby. It was only until those 3 episodes that i realized that Grell was truly a Guy, cause he always said "I wanna have your kids Sebby!" and Sebasitan looks at him weirdly. o_O

Anyway, back to business. There was to much....double crossing, as a way to say. Way, WAY to much of it. It was just like "I got ****'* **** now! You can't get it back!" and then someone says "Well, I **** * ******* with ***** and got two ****'* in one ****! MUAHAHA!" so...ya know, again, censored for you protection of spoilers.

Lastly, many moments made me feel great for Ciel, but yet....really sad for Sebastian. A lot was answered in the ending of Season 2, yet it still made me feel really, REALLY Sad for Sebby :( You'll see if you watch!

Now, go on with your life now that I've just waisted your life for a few minuets. Before I take even more of it, or even make a contract with you and steal your soul T_T